venres, 20 de decembro de 2019

Programa PIALE - Integración en Canadá

Do 14 de outubro ao 11 de novembro participei nunha estadía como observador no instituto canadense Bell High School, situado na capital Ottawa. Esta experiencia é unha das modalidades que ofrece o programa PIALE da Consellería de Educación para o profesorado galego. Trátase dun programa de inmersión total, neste caso en inglés, consistente na integración na vida escolar, sen obrigas lectivas, no centro escolar de Canadá.
A experiencia foi moi produtiva, segundo Xosé M. Por un lado, supón un pulo na mellora da competencia lingüística: mellora a confianza en canto á expresión e comprensión oral, a fala e a escoita, en inglés. O feito de ter que enfrontarse a situacións cotiás noutra lingua para resolver algúns problemas, ir ao teatro ou ter conversacións telefónicas, por exemplo, constitúe un reforzo e inflexión na aprendizaxe da lingua. Doutra banda, asistir ás clases da materia que impartes permite coñecer de primeira man o vocabulario específico, as expresións e o seu uso no contexto apropiado.
Por outro lado, a observación da práctica docente, da organización escolar ou tratamento da diversidade permite reflexionar sobre a propia práctica e realidade escolar. É interesante descubrir aspectos do sistema escolar transferibles ou adaptables nas nosas escolas, así como as boas prácticas. Neste sentido destacaría:
  • Organización de horarios e espazos: aulas para cada materia / profesor. Períodos lectivos máis longos e con descansos entre eles. Os alumnos trasládanse e non o profesor, de xeito que se gana en eficiencia.
  • Plan de estudos: reducir os contidos e as materias, adelgazar o currículo, dar prioridade ás tarefas e o traballo autónomos, ofrecer máis opcións para configurar o itinerario académico.
  • Agrupamentos: son máis flexibles e en liña coa alta flexibilidade dos itinerarios académicos de cada estudante. Non se fan sempre por idade ou curso, senón por opción persoal (cada alumno opta polas materias que desexa, cuns mínimos obrigatorios),  destreza ou coñecementos previos.
  • Titoría entre iguais: o alumnado de 12º grao (o equivalente a 2º de bacharelato) son titores dalgúns outros grupos, tamén nos aspectos académicos.
Moitos dos aspectos transferibles dependen de decisións que traspasan o ámbito dunha escola polo que dependen da vontade dos lexisladores e gobernantes. Pero algunhas das prácticas, especialmente no contexto da aula, si se poden implementar. En todo caso, debemos ter en conta que as sociedades sobre as que se asenta a escola non funcionan exactamente igual polo que cómpre reflexionar sobre o que pode encaixar ou non; non vale o copia e pega.
O profesorado de Educación Física da Bell HS impartía varias materias dentro do ámbito do departamento: Healthy Living and Personal and Fitness Activities, Healthy Living and Large-Group Activities, Introductory Kinesiology, Healthy Living and Rhythm and Movement Activities, entre outras. Estas foron o foco de observación durante a estadía e supuxo a parte máis interesante, máis aínda pola posibilidade de participar en actividades ligadas ao deporte nacional como o hóckey sobre xeo, algo bastante alleo á realidade galega. Porque outra das características das escolas é a excelente dotación en equipamento e espazos de que dispoñen; no caso da Bell HS tiña a súa disposición o Bell Arena (con pista de xeo regulamentaria), campo de béisbol, de fútbol, un sala de fitness e outra de spinning, un ximnasio e varios espazos máis para EF. En definitiva, asistir ás clases de Physed (Physical Education), como eles lle chaman, interactuar con alumnado e profesorado supuxo un reto enriquecedor.
O manexo da clase de  Physed é bastante similar ao que se leva a cabo en Galicia  pero a forma de organizar esta materia nas escolas difire polo optatividade das materias, a duración dos períodos lectivos (75 minutos) e o currículo. Con todo calquera estudante ou profesor galego non tardaría en adaptarse a estas clases (mesmo ao sosego e ausencia de ruído que caracterizan o desenvolvemento das clases en xeral)
Ademais, asistín como observador a outras clases como  ESL (Inglés como Segunda Lingua), grupos onde se podía comprobar o grado de diversidade cultural das escolas canadenses e o tratamento do ensino da lingua. Tamén puido observar o desenvolvemento noutras áreas como Artes.
En definitiva, unha experiencia recomendable para todo docente e que, por outro lado, tamén nos fai ver que aquí, nas escolas galegas, tamén se está a innovar e a desenvolver moi boas prácticas.


Proposta didáctica 

venres, 29 de xaneiro de 2016

Badminton unit

O bádminton é un deporte facilmente adaptable ás necesidades e obxectivos da materia de Educación Física, dadas as súas características relativas ao material, espazo, practicantes e aspectos técnico-tácticos. Dada a súa versatilidade, ofrécenos a posibilidade de xogalo desde unha óptica meramente lúdica, sinxela e asequible para a inmensa maioría do alumnado, como practicalo na súa vertente máis competitiva (totalmente secundaria nesta unidade) na que se esixe un maior dominio deste deporte. A esta particularidade engádenselle ademais outros aspectos positivos como:
  • Non se require dunha fase de introdución excesivamente longa: desde o principio pódese lograr unha práctica máis ou menos continuada.
  • É unha actividade non sexista: apenas existen diferenzas entre a práctica realizada polo rapaces e as rapazas.
  • É fácil adaptar a súa práctica a diferentes grupos de idades e niveis de xogo.
  • Ofrece outros modelos alternativos de actividade física para empregar no tempo libre.
  • Permite desenvolver habilidades e destrezas que non se desenvolven noutros deportes  máis convencionais.
  • Moitos dos xestos técnicos son transferibles a outros deportes análogos.
  • Contribúe a un estilo de vida saudable e de mellora  da condición física dun xeito lúdico. 
ligazón da foto lévanos ao deseño desta unidade didáctica desenvolta na miña sección bilingüe.
Badminton unit CLIL

domingo, 20 de decembro de 2015

A Canadian experience - PIALE Integración

Durante o pasado mes de outubro participei dunha estadía en Canadá, enmarcada no programa PIALE. O Programa Integral de Aprendizaxe de Linguas Estranxeiras comprende una serie de itinerarios formativos para a mellora da competencia lingüística  e comunicativa do profesorado.
A miña participación consistiu na integración na vida escolar da Beurling Academy, unha high school situada en Verdún, un distrito da cidade quebequense de Montreal. A experiencia resultou moi enriquecedora, principalmente na mellora da competencia lingüística, dado que supuxo a inmersión profunda na lingua inglesa, tanto no ámbito escolar como dentro da familia de acollida. Implicou ademais coñecer diversos aspectos do sistema educativo canadense, en particular da provincia de Quebec, relativos ao currículo, organización escolar, metodoloxía, avaliación, etc. Igualmente deu pé a reflexionar sobre a posibilidade de transferencia ao noso sistema dalgunhas das súas características. Neste sentido parece obvio que algunhas delas dependen de decisión dos responsábeis da política e xestión educativa da comunidade se ben outras, por exemplo relativas á metodoloxía  ou a avaliación, poden ser incorporadas á nosa práctica docente.
A integración na vida diaria do centro non implicaba responsabilidades docentes e consistía en acompañar a unha profesora de Educación Física nas súas obrigas lectivas. Neste sentido a estadía lembroume a época de prácticas de Maxisterio, se ben noutra lingua e noutro sistema educativo. Ademais de Physical Education and Health, tamén impartía Ethics and Religious Culture, dúas materias encadradas dentro dunha área común do currículo quebequense (Personal Development). Nesta práctica tiven a oportunidade de observar e interactuar con docentes e alumnado,  de colaborar nas sesións de clases e, o mais motivador, impartir algunha clase de Educación Física. O feito de ter que dirixirme aos alumnos e alumnas (que eran maioría, pois estaban separados nalgúns niveis -decisión do departamento de EF, non é normativo-) en inglés, resultou altamente satisfactorio pois permitiume traballar co inglés e a miña materia nun contexto nativo sen ter dificultades significativas.
A derradeira angueira desta acción formativa implica a difusión da experiencia de integración. Entre outras actuacións para levar a cabo esta labor incluín unha comunicación aos compañeiros de sección bilingüe do IES Laxeiro, nunha reunión do grupo, e ao resto do profesorado, dentro do curso de formación en centros que estamos a desenvolver, relacionado cos novos currículos e programación.. Nesta exposición comentamos os aspectos máis salientábeis do sistema educativo quebequense, os cales aparecen esquematizados nesta presentación:

Aos meus alumnos da sección bilingüe de 3º de ESO tamén lles contei cómo me fora polas terras canadianas. La Voz de Galicia se fixo eco desta experiencia, así como a emisora local RadioVoz.
En definitiva,  o programa resulta altamente recomendable tanto no plano formativo como persoal. Sen ser profundidade, achegámonos a outro sistema educactivo que, sen estar afastado do noso, xa leva unha longa traxectoria traballando con pautas de organización, metodoloxía e avaliación lixeiramente difererentes.
Unicamente mencionar algunha disfunción derivada, na miña opinión, de:
  • O feito de que ir a Montreal (os outros anos tiña sido en Ottawa), zona francófona, se ben no meu caso particular o distrito onde estaba o centro e a familia de acollida eran anglófonos. Pero en moitos distritos, dowtown a vida desenvólvese preferentemente en francés.
  • A coincidencia cunha folga do profesorado de Quebec, o cal se limitaba a realizar as funcións lectivas, non partipando noutras tarefas como as actividades extraescolares (incluído a acollida, nalgúns casos de profesorado estranxeiro).

mércores, 9 de decembro de 2015

LIM orienteering

Orienteering is a challenging outdoor adventure sport that exercises both the mind and the body. There is great potential for developing orienteering within schools with simplified and progressive orienteering activities that can take place in the school grounds or inside the classroom. Orienteering is also a cross curricular activity and can support subjects such as Maths, PE and Geography.
This is a LIM about orienteering that is targeted from 3º ESO to Bacharelato. Although it may seem long and quite difficult in some levels, it can be adapted or you can select the activities you like. It forms part of the work made in Programa PIALE 2013 . This LIM is hosted in Repositorio ABALAR (Consellería de Educación e O.U)

luns, 15 de decembro de 2014

Artefacto digital - REA para AICLE INTEF

Esta es la entgra final para el curso REA para AICLE de INTEF, un curso que me ha resultado útil tanto por las herramientas presentadas como por lo adquirido para el desarrollo de unidades CLIL o AICLE.

Futsal CLIL description

As you can guess, this unit is intended for Physical Education and for the third course or level (ESO), although it could be developed in the fourth one as well.
The topic of the unit is the indoor soccer, five-a-side football or futsal. Futsal is the international denomination and the one that is used by from FIFA. The popularity of this sport poses an added value for learning English through sport.

Learning outcomes   
  • Participate in games and futsal matches in an active and cooperative way.
  • Demonstrate the basic skills of futsal: dribbling, passing, shooting, goalkeeping and sportsmanship.
  • Apply basic skills into game situations.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the rules of futsal.
  • Take responsibility for their role in a group activity.
The final task is getting involved students in collaborating on a mini-tournament organization. In this way they have to apply what they have learnt and cooperate in the organization of the event:
  • team making, a draft from the skill tests.
  • scheduling league and qualifiers
  • refereeing
  • running the league table
1st. Introduction. Features and basic rules of futsal
We introduce this topic watching this videos: What is Futsal? A General Overview. Listening activity and fill in the gap
Warm –up:
  • In pairs or threes (trios), each group with a ball, moving around the gym. The student who goes after his partner is dribbling the ball and follows his mate who goes forward running.  After a teacher’s signal, swap roles.
  • Students without any ball stand still, spread across the gym and with their feet shoulder-width apart. Their mates dribble the ball wherever they want and they have to pass the ball between their mate’s legs as many times as they can. Swap roles.
  • Joint movements and kicking surfaces (parts of the body and foot)
Main activity:
  • In groups of six, form a circle. Pass the ball to a teammate but before passing we say his name.  This pass has to be low, at ground level, and done with the inside of the foot.
  • In the same situation we put 2 or 3 balls. Remember: 
You have to look before passing the ball
Check, make sure your mate is ready to receive the ball
  • In pairs or in groups of 4: pass the ball with the inside of the foot, widening the distance progressively.
Before passing, stop (or trap), control the ball with the sole of the foot
Use both legs to control and pass the ball
  • With fewer balls than participants, all against all: guys who have a ball try not to be beaten. Keep the possession of the ball!
  • In fours, play Ten passes: when the group who has the ball reaches ten passes in a row, they get 1 point. If opponents catch the ball they start counting from zero. And so on so forth…
  • 2 teams (e.g. those who have an odd number form a team). In a circle, one group has to pass the ball one by one. Meanwhile, the first guy from the other group has to go around this circle twice, running (without ball). If he finishes before the ball gets to the starting point, his team reaches 1 point.
Cool down. Labelling the parts of the foot

2nd. Initial assessment.  Passing and receiving the ball
Presentation (5 min.): Futsal concepts in English (adapted). Sticking some flashcards on the wall
Warm –up:
  • In pairs, running gentle, carrying /dribbling a ball.
  • Ball control exercises, in pairs:
Drop the ball, let it bounce and pass the ball kicking it with your instep
idem, without let the ball bounce
  • How many times can I kick up the ball without dropping it?
Main activity:
  • Control and pass the ball. Change your partner and, standing about 7 m apart from each other, carry out as many passes as you can in 30 seconds. These passes have to pass between two cones 2 m. separated. Passes at ground level, low passes.
  • In pairs, pass the ball back and forth with 2 touches. Firstly, stop the ball with your left foot (sole) and pass with your right foot (inside of the foot).
  • We set four cones up in a square about 3 m. apart. Please, form four groups, each one next to a cone. Make a pass towards the line facing you and go, run to the right or left line. Every minute, we widen the distance between cones. Look at mate that’s receiving the ball.
If you can, work on first touch.   
It’s a pass, don’t kick the ball as hard as in a shoot.
  • Mini-matches, three against three in mixed teams (boy and girls). 3’ , then change rivals
Cool down. After passing exercises with a partner, complete  the table (worksheet 4, adapted)

3rd. Dribbling the ball. Passing and receiving
Commenting Futsal rules poster (by students)
Warm –up:
With fewer balls than participants (half balls than participants), all against all: guys who have a ball try not to be beaten. Keep the possession of the ball!
Keep possession for as long as possible
On command, when the teacher blows the whistle, guys without a football have to do 12 jumping jacks. The ones with a ball try to kick up the ball ten times.

Main activity:
  • In groups of six, play a piggy in the middle.
  • Split players into groups of 6, each one line up next to a cone. Player passes to the next player in line and follows pass performing exercise through agility ladder.
Every minute, we widen the distance between cones. Look at mate that’s receiving the ball. It’s a pass, don’t kick the ball as hard as in a shoot
• Receive with the inside pass with the inside of the same foot
• Receive with the inside of one foot and pass with the inside of the other
• Receive with the outside and pass with the inside
• Receive with the sole pass with the inside
• 1 touch passing right foot
• 1 touch passing left foot
• 1 touch passing alternating feet
  • Slalom: dribble the ball in zigzag. When you reach the end pass the ball to the mate that’s waiting. Repeat the action several times… add some extra balls…
  • Idem, without passing the ball, they come back to the line carrying the ball…
Cool-down. After controlling exercises with a partner, complete the table (worksheet 5, adapted)

4th. Dribbling and feinting
Warm –up:
  • Joint movements and kicking surfaces (revising)
  • Gentle running in different directions under the command of the teacher
One: backwards
Two: forwards
Three: jump up and carry on running
Four: sit down and go on.
If you mistake some instruction you’ll go around the gym

Main activity:
  • Set up a 20x20 m. grid with a series of lines of 3 cones within the grid. Players dribble through the cones using the following exercises:
Inside of both feet   
Inside outside of right ft
Inside outside Left ft
Outside both feet
Roll with sole of the foot
In pairs, one ball, alternate dribbling each series of cones.
  • Dribbling and feinting: nutmeg, lollipop. In fives, two players will stand still with the legs open. Dribble the ball and when getting your first mate, roll the ball between his legs (a nutmeg). Next, dribble the second one performing a pivot, go around the cone and pass the ball to the line. After that, take the second position and replace your mate (replace the second one next time)
  • Set up an approximately 30x20 m. area with 2 end zones of 5 m. Teams line up us shown in the diagram. The coach numbers the players in each team. The coach plays a ball onto the field and calls a number. The players then compete to creating a 1v1 with the emphasis is to dribble the ball into the end zone.
  • Mini-matches: before scoring, each team must pass 4 times the ball (depending on the number of players)

Cool down. After dribbling exercises with a partner, complete the table (worksheet 6, adapted).
In pairs, how many kicks-ups can you do with the ball?

5th. Shooting at goal
Warm –up:
Futsal in couples (mixed). They play a traditional, usual futsal match but players have to play in pairs holding hands. The rules are the same but every time they let go (of their teammates’ hand), they foul.Boys can only score heading the ball.
Main activity
  • Three lines, each one with a ball. “Pass wheel” in a triangle: I pass the ball to the vertex and I move there.
Variation: widen distance among lines, place an extra cone and
  • Players volley ball over a bench to each other allowing maximum of 2 bounces
Allow only one bounce
Players see how many successful volley to each other they can make in a row
  • Running and shooting.
Dribble before shooting
Use targets to aim
Add a defender in
  • 1,2, Shoot.  They have to figure out how to kick the ball to get as many points as they can.
Player A starts with a ball. They pass it to a player B who is standing around the edge of the 15 m. area. Player B lays the ball off in 1 or 2 touches. After player A passes to player B they make a move towards the goal and shoot 1st time from player B's lay off.
Switch player B so everyone gets a chance to shoot.

Cool down.Comparing football and futsal

6th. Defending and attacking
With fewer balls than participants (half balls than participants), all against all: guys who have a ball try not to be beaten. Keep the possession of the ball!
Keep possession for as long as possible
On command, when the teacher blows the whistle, guys without a football have to do run on the spot 30 seconds. The ones with a ball try to kick up the ball ten times (or head it)

Main part
  • Piggy in the middle: 2 students defend a cone in the middle that his mates are trying to knock down. Swap roles
  • Playing futsal without any ball (two teams): the aim is going inside the goal without being tagged by rivals in their half-pitch. If you are tagged then you must stand still in the place until a teammate recues you or gets a point.
  • Mini-matches, 3 vs 3, no goalkeeper, trying to pass and go.
Cool-down. Labelling the pitch (they repeat at home)

 7th. Assessment
Technical skills: dribbling throuhg cones, passing against a wall 30” and shooting at goal (with targets).
8th to 10th. Putting into practice what we have learnt: mini-tournament.
And (students waiting for playing)
Millionaire: How much do you know about futsal?
Futsal quiz
Playing  games related to futsal and football: Penalty shootout

Written test